Wholistic Natural Health

477 Visitas

55 Greville Road, Rosanna, VIC 3084, Australia

teléfono celular: 0431392275
Horas de Trabajo:

Lunes - Sábado : 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Métodos de pago aceptados:

  • Efectivo
  • Tarjeta de débito
  • Tarjeta de Crédito
  • Money Order

Sitio Web:


  • Medicina holíst
Propietario: Magic Barclay


Integrative Pathology Services


Testing for hormonal health, autoimmune diseases, gut health, allergies & intolerances, thyroid health, pathogen testing (including parasites and bacteria), mental health, environmental, routine pathology, cardiovascular health, oncology, and genetic wellness. A range of over 200 tests are available from NutriPath.

Skin, Microbiome & Adrenopause Treatment


Complex Manual Decongestive Therapy


Mould Toxicity Treatment


We work with San Air and we are recognised qualified mould toxicity practitioners, so we can help you treat your house and also treat your body.

We can also provide special sinus sprays & even provide wearable technology to protect you from further damage.

Innate Immunity Solutions


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